
Tuesday 4 October 2011


Should The Media need to be inspired in order to cover The Truth:

JFK's 1961 Address to The Press.
JFK paid for this with his life, no doubt, for this very Address!
Show some courage. Cover the REAL Story!

Who are the 99%? Who is "Occupy"?


MANHATTAN, NY - October 6, 2011

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MANHATTAN, NY - October 5, 2011: Who are we? What do we want? Why are we Occupying?

What you see everywhere; on Twitter, Facebook, You Tube, the Internet, in the Streets and now in the Media are the results of concerted and very well organized global efforts.

This, in itself, should speak volumes as to precisely 'who' we all are.

This, all you see, is what happens when smart people become enflamed by their own Government - A Government, no longer elected by Its People but owned by a handful of psychopathic beings whom, ever so cleverly hiding behind the cloak of various Corporations, not only evade taxes (while raising ours) but are using our Government to issue 'Weapons of Mass Deception', committing blatant Fraud, Theft and murderous acts that would make the Russian Mafia look like Amateurs, instigating Wars (pitting Brother against Brother for the mere sake of yet 'more' profits), unscrupulously and indiscriminately committing High Treason (Enactment of Act of 1871 and Fed Reserve Act of 1913, to name but two such occasions), and grave, very grave Injustices - These things, these horrendous things, causing Loss of Life (The Blood of our Sons and Daughters, that of our Brothers, our Sisters!!), Loss of hard-earned Property, Loss of Retirement Income (a lifetime of savings!!), Loss of Quality and Way of Life, Loss of Opportunity, etc. All of this, while not only remaining above the Law by never being brought to Justice but by even ever so slowly, perniciously, diabolically, eroding our very Constitutional Rights, one by one, under the guise of Homeland Security!

"We hold these truths to be self-evident (...) That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness" - Declaration of Independence, 1776

We, The People, have had enough! It is our DUTY to speak up as even this Right is being taken away from us, as our Government - further egged on by this despicable handful of Monsters, representing but a mere 1% of our global Society - is issuing orders to our very own Brothers, Policemen (and eventually possibly even our Military Brothers as well), to 'arrest' us. This, while we are but PEACEFULLY occupying, trying to raise awareness on these very grave issues.

We want change! We want Truth! We want Transparency. We want Accountability. We want Justice! We want Opportunity! We want Education! We want a sustainable Environment, with clean water (not Atrazine-laced) and clean soil, with organic seeds (not monstruosities such as Monsanto's 'Round-Up' pesticides which threaten our planet or their 'Traitor' and 'Terminator' seeds!) - Our list of Demands is still being drafted. Each of us is actually - and most probably for the very first time in our life - going to be DEMOCRATICALLY voting for REAL, ACTUAL change, globally.

Though we know our efforts will come to change History, no one here is out for credit or personal profit. We are Legions, all working as one, anonymously, showing the rest of the world such a thing is possible. In fact, the greatest events in History, along with our greatest discoveries, came to exist under just such circumstances; when  no one cared for profit or personal credit.

Some of us are Fathers, some are Mothers, others are Sons, others Daughters. Some of us are Retired, some of us are Senior Citizens, some of us are Teenagers, some of us are Middle-aged folks. A few of us are rich, some are middle-class and some of us are poor. Some of us are Doctors, Lawyers, Students, Musicians, Photographers, Carpenters, Investigative Journalists, War Correspondents, Artists, Nurses, Scientists, yet more of us are Veterans (Marines, Navy, Airforce, and Army) and some of us are even high clearance ex-Intel Personnel, while some of us are currently unemployed. Some of us are famous, while some of us enjoy a quieter anonymity. In short, we are a beautiful mass of wonderful people, issued from all Walks of Life. We are a pool of varied and most precious training and experience; strategic, tactical, and otherwise.

We are the 99% of the population. We are not going away.

So, you see... This is a Call to Higher Duty: You, me, WE are called to Occupy for...

Occupy is you, Occupy is me, Occupy is ALL OF US!

We will not be silent!

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